The impact of the Government's share of health care spending on the growth in real spending

. xi:reg lnhealthexppercap lnperchealthexppub percapitainc percapitainc2 i.year i.year _Iyear_1960-2007 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1960 omitted) _Icountry_1-30 (_Icountry_1 for cou~y==Australia omitted)

Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 969
-------------+------------------------------ F( 79, 889) = 703.36
Model | 1246.26407 79 15.7754946 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 19.9391929 889 .022428788 R-squared = 0.9843
-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.9829
Total | 1266.20327 968 1.30806123 Root MSE = .14976

lnhealthex~p | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
lnpercheal~b | .4116497 .0477609 8.62 0.000 .3179124 .5053871
percapitainc | .0000428 6.03e-06 7.09 0.000 .0000309 .0000546
percapitai~2 | -5.44e-10 8.48e-11 -6.42 0.000 -7.11e-10 -3.78e-10
_Iyear_1961 | -.0125146 .0661873 -0.19 0.850 -.1424162 .1173869
_Iyear_1962 | .0916716 .0661885 1.39 0.166 -.0382323 .2215756
_Iyear_1963 | .2218341 .0642484 3.45 0.001 .0957378 .3479304
_Iyear_1964 | .2673548 .0662547 4.04 0.000 .137321 .3973886
_Iyear_1965 | .4291512 .0626774 6.85 0.000 .3061382 .5521642
_Iyear_1966 | .5043551 .0644659 7.82 0.000 .377832 .6308782
_Iyear_1967 | .5715007 .0666986 8.57 0.000 .4405956 .7024057
_Iyear_1968 | .6934291 .0668043 10.38 0.000 .5623166 .8245416
_Iyear_1969 | .7994238 .0650989 12.28 0.000 .6716583 .9271893
_Iyear_1970 | .9444186 .0593603 15.91 0.000 .8279159 1.060921
_Iyear_1971 | 1.087371 .059594 18.25 0.000 .9704095 1.204332
_Iyear_1972 | 1.193019 .059556 20.03 0.000 1.076132 1.309905
_Iyear_1973 | 1.270405 .0604394 21.02 0.000 1.151784 1.389026
_Iyear_1974 | 1.405318 .0615073 22.85 0.000 1.284602 1.526034
_Iyear_1975 | 1.544473 .062058 24.89 0.000 1.422676 1.666271
_Iyear_1976 | 1.631647 .0637756 25.58 0.000 1.506479 1.756815
_Iyear_1977 | 1.697477 .0647996 26.20 0.000 1.570299 1.824655
_Iyear_1978 | 1.807995 .0661135 27.35 0.000 1.678238 1.937752
_Iyear_1979 | 1.873519 .0684256 27.38 0.000 1.739225 2.007814
_Iyear_1980 | 1.960941 .0694442 28.24 0.000 1.824647 2.097234
_Iyear_1981 | 2.039374 .0728137 28.01 0.000 1.896467 2.182281
_Iyear_1982 | 2.107646 .0744903 28.29 0.000 1.961449 2.253844
_Iyear_1983 | 2.144456 .0763337 28.09 0.000 1.994641 2.294272
_Iyear_1984 | 2.155306 .0783942 27.49 0.000 2.001446 2.309165
_Iyear_1985 | 2.187566 .0800665 27.32 0.000 2.030424 2.344707
_Iyear_1986 | 2.249749 .0821098 27.40 0.000 2.088598 2.410901
_Iyear_1987 | 2.303408 .0840412 27.41 0.000 2.138466 2.46835
_Iyear_1988 | 2.358643 .0864523 27.28 0.000 2.188968 2.528317
_Iyear_1989 | 2.404973 .0892129 26.96 0.000 2.229881 2.580066
_Iyear_1990 | 2.44752 .0915083 26.75 0.000 2.267923 2.627118
_Iyear_1991 | 2.513045 .0926689 27.12 0.000 2.33117 2.69492
_Iyear_1992 | 2.565298 .0936195 27.40 0.000 2.381557 2.749039
_Iyear_1993 | 2.603325 .094881 27.44 0.000 2.417108 2.789542
_Iyear_1994 | 2.631036 .0970147 27.12 0.000 2.440632 2.821441
_Iyear_1995 | 2.654091 .0993929 26.70 0.000 2.459019 2.849164
_Iyear_1996 | 2.690984 .1015015 26.51 0.000 2.491774 2.890195
_Iyear_1997 | 2.717003 .1038915 26.15 0.000 2.513102 2.920904
_Iyear_1998 | 2.764654 .1055663 26.19 0.000 2.557466 2.971843
_Iyear_1999 | 2.817278 .1076395 26.17 0.000 2.606021 3.028535
_Iyear_2000 | 2.856613 .1107816 25.79 0.000 2.639189 3.074037
_Iyear_2001 | 2.920877 .1127875 25.90 0.000 2.699516 3.142238
_Iyear_2002 | 2.985059 .1146821 26.03 0.000 2.75998 3.210138
_Iyear_2003 | 3.036524 .11596 26.19 0.000 2.808937 3.264111
_Iyear_2004 | 3.094632 .1183579 26.15 0.000 2.862338 3.326925
_Iyear_2005 | 3.136516 .1203907 26.05 0.000 2.900233 3.372799
_Iyear_2006 | 3.169743 .1230353 25.76 0.000 2.92827 3.411217
_Iyear_2007 | 3.208426 .1272152 25.22 0.000 2.958749 3.458103
_Icountry_2 | .0651089 .032824 1.98 0.048 .0006873 .1295305
_Icountry_3 | -.0322373 .1106731 -0.29 0.771 -.2494484 .1849738
_Icountry_4 | .1698845 .0341142 4.98 0.000 .1029307 .2368382
_Icountry_5 | -.7369245 .0541989 -13.60 0.000 -.8432972 -.630551
_Icountry_6 | .0793935 .0364381 2.18 0.030 .0078787 .1509082
_Icountry_7 | -.1065801 .0332321 -3.21 0.001 -.1718026 -.0413577
_Icountry_8 | .0279568 .0401221 0.70 0.486 -.0507883 .1067018
_Icountry_9 | .1872109 .0354908 5.27 0.000 .1175554 .2568664
_Icountry_10 | -.1719264 .0454882 -3.78 0.000 -.2612032 -.0826497
_Icountry_11 | -.6985512 .0622307 -11.23 0.000 -.8206875 -.5764149
_Icountry_12 | -.0302857 .0344287 -0.88 0.379 -.0978567 .0372854
_Icountry_13 | -.3455888 .0350616 -9.86 0.000 -.4144019 -.2767757
_Icountry_14 | -.1533213 .0419926 -3.65 0.000 -.2357374 -.0709052
_Icountry_15 | -.2443352 .033209 -7.36 0.000 -.3095125 -.179158
_Icountry_16 | -.8053301 .060367 -13.34 0.000 -.9238086 -.6868516
_Icountry_17 | -.051634 .0654891 -0.79 0.431 -.1801654 .0768973
_Icountry_18 | -.963474 .0742647 -12.97 0.000 -1.109228 -.8177194
_Icountry_19 | .0658592 .0360389 1.83 0.068 -.0048721 .1365905
_Icountry_20 | -.2549778 .0366731 -6.95 0.000 -.3269538 -.1830018
_Icountry_21 | -.120211 .0362418 -3.32 0.001 -.1913405 -.0490815
_Icountry_22 | -1.052284 .0684341 -15.38 0.000 -1.186595 -.9179726
_Icountry_23 | -.5617485 .0429643 -13.07 0.000 -.6460717 -.4774253
_Icountry_24 | -.9668877 .0698262 -13.85 0.000 -1.103931 -.8298443
_Icountry_25 | -.5372026 .0349356 -15.38 0.000 -.6057684 -.4686368
_Icountry_26 | .0534959 .0368697 1.45 0.147 -.018866 .1258578
_Icountry_27 | .3641848 .0419356 8.68 0.000 .2818805 .4464892
_Icountry_28 | -1.643371 .0658569 -24.95 0.000 -1.772624 -1.514118
_Icountry_29 | -.2670948 .0353477 -7.56 0.000 -.3364694 -.1977201
_Icountry_30 | .8363044 .0405078 20.65 0.000 .7568024 .9158064
_cons | 2.413152 .1959603 12.31 0.000 2.028554 2.797751

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Journal of Legal Studies paper on spoiled ballots during the 2000 Presidential Election

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