Published October 30, 2003, in The Washington Post
Drive the Deer Out of the Headlights
By Marc Fisher
My wife was driving our daughter Julia home from school just before
the other day when suddenly Julia pointed out the side window and
" Deer! "
Before the word was completely out of Julia's mouth, an eight-point
leaped into our Honda, crushing the front end. Its antlers crashed
through the
windshield. The animal bounced over the vehicle and landed clear on the
side of the car, which was pretty well demolished.
A couple of hours later, when I related the tale to the insurance
agent, her first question was, "Is the deer deceased?"
"My wife and daughter are shaken, but fine," I replied.
Undeterred, the insurance agent continued asking after the poor
"Who's taking it away? Is it off the road? Is the road clear?"
I tried to let the agent know that the fate of the beast that had
my family was not exactly at the top of my list of concerns. Actually,
the D.C.
police had already arranged for removal of the animal. (For all the
about emergency aid in the District, we managed to hit the public
trifecta: Police, fire and ambulance all arrived quickly and helped in
possible way.)
But I wondered why the insurance industry would exhibit such a
interest in the fate of a wayward deer.
It turns out that deer hits are the crisis du jour in the car
field, increasing by more than 10 percent a year over the past five
years, and
that we live hard by the most populous deer belt in the nation, a
swath of
deer -infested country stretching from West Virginia through northern
Virginia and central Maryland.
These huge vermin -- the one that bounded out of the wood and into
our car
weighed about 300 pounds, according to the insurance company -- are a
menace this time of year, from October through December, when the
animals are
mating and the bucks blithely chase the babes through the woods and
onto the
roads, even in the middle of the day.
For decades now, suburbs and cities as well have wrangled with the
of how to kill off deer without enraging the Bambi lovers of the
world. The
problem is generally most severe in fancy suburbs filled with too many
folks who
have nothing better to do with their time and money but support deer
(The very first story I wrote for the New York Daily News 25 years
ago was
about one such battle in tony Princeton, N.J. The headline writer, the
Alex Michelini, slapped this beaut on the story: "Oh Deer! They're on
Horns of a Dilemma!" The idle rich carried the day, by the way, and
efforts to
thin the herd and feed the hunters were defeated.)
Maybe you need to have a 300-pound deer land on the car
carrying your
loved ones to gain some clarity on this issue: These critters need to be
someone's dinner -- and pronto.
A few years ago, when we saw a deer ambling down the center of
our street
in the city, we thought, "How cute." Now I see these creatures for what
are: unlicensed, uninsured drivers with total disregard for human life.
The National Safety Council calculates that deer kill more than
100 people
and injure about 4,000 more each year. Deer hits cost the insurance
about $ 1 billion in claims in 2002, with each hit costing an average
of about $
2,000. The repair bill for our car is predicted to be about four
times that
As you might expect for any phenomenon with that kind of price tag,
a huge
industry of researchers and consultants has developed around deer
But despite the existence of a Deer -Vehicle Crash Information
and other such prestigious institutes, the best advice anyone has come
up with
is to be attentive when you drive, slow down and blow your horn if you
deer at the side of the road, brake firmly if a deer is in the way
-- don't
swerve, because it could confuse the animal, causing it to run into
you. And, of
course, wear your seat belt.
None of which will do the slightest thing to prevent deer from
straight into your car.
It's us against them. Aim to kill.