Published October 13, 2003, in The The Union Leader (Manchester NH)
Project ChildSafe; Another wasteful federal
TRIGGER LOCKS can save lives. So can the guns on which those locks
placed. In fact, guns save many, many more lives than gun locks
save. Yet
the federal government is spending $50 million to distribute "free"
gun locks
to Americans. Perhaps a better plan would be to distribute free guns.
Dr. John Lott noted in his book "The Bias Against Guns" that in
there were a total of 824 accidental deaths by shooting in the United
Only 16 of those cases involved a child under the age of 15 being shot
with a
handgun. Children are more likely to be saved by a gun than
killed by one. There are around 2 million defensive uses of handguns
a year
in the United States.
The General Accounting Office has concluded that gun locks are
effective only in protecting children under age seven. Dr. Lott has
found "no
impact of accidental gun deaths from safe storage laws," meaning laws
requiring guns to be stored in inoperable ways. To the contrary,
"safe storage
laws are significantly related to higher murder, rape, robbery, and
You may save a child's life by putting a trigger lock on your gun.
But the
chance is greater that the lock will cost a life rather than save one.
LOAD-DATE: October 14, 2003
Note: There was one minor point about this discussion. The handgun death
number for children under age 15 does not include guns for which the
type of gun was not identified. (They probably meant that: "Only 16 of those cases involved a child under the age of 15 who could be identified as being shot with a handgun . . . .") About half the type of accidental gun
deaths involve a gun that is not identified in the death. In any case, the deaths, while tragic, are probably much rarer than most might think.