Additional confirmation of Vin Suprynowicz's discussion
Another article in a Bee newspaper on the Merced Pitchfork murders indirectly discusses the law making the gun inaccessible to minors. The
article states:
"Ashley sacrificed her life to save the lives of her sisters," said the
Rev. Tom Driscoll of Gospel Defenders Church. He described how the tiny
girl tackled the intruder, Jonathon David Bruce, and wrapped herself
around him, yelling to her siblings, "Go. Go. Get away."
Bruce killed Ashley with the same wide-blade pitchfork he used to kill
her little brother. When sheriff's deputies responded to a 911 call at
the Vassar Avenue home, Bruce attacked them with the same farm tool,
authorities said. He was shot 13 times and died at the scene.
Investigators have said that they suspect Bruce was under the influence
of drugs.
"This case is far from over," said their father, John Carpenter, from
the church pulpit. "The real murderer is still loose. The real murderer
is the drug dealer who supplied the drugs. . . . It's a big business."
And he implied that the two children might be alive if gun laws were
different. "From the White House to the outhouse, why are you taking
away handguns?"
He said there was a gun in the house that the older sisters knew how to
use, "but I had to put it away in a supposedly safe place. The only
thing I forgot to put a lock on was my pitchfork."
Taken together, the different articles in these various posts indicate
that the gun was locked; it was placed in a way that was not accessible
by the children; both the father and the great-uncle, the Rev. John
Hilton, believed that if the gun had been accessible children's lives
would have been saved; and these moves were done because of fear of the
California state law. As an aside, despite these murders getting
extensive media attention, I can not find any news articles in any
other newspapers in the state of California or other places that
mentioned these facts. E-mails to me claiming that I must have known
that Suprynowicz's discussion was "a lie" or "untrue" are obviously
I have gotten a couple really amusing responses to my May 24th post.
Apparently some don?t really believe that the Fox News quote from John
Carpenter is really from John Carpenter. Instead, Fox News is
supposedly just quoting me saying what I said that Carpenter said. I
have even been told that it is impossible for Carpenter to have
actually made this quote because it contradicts what (they believe)
happened in the Merced pitchfork murders.
To believe that a television network would do this involves a really
high level conspiracy theory. However, if a television segment
actually runs a quote from someone on the air, it is because that
person gave the network the quote. Otherwise the conspiracy theorists
would have to believe that Fox News actually had me posing as the other
person. Here is the text the Fox News story as it ran on July 5, 2002
from a Nexis search:
SPRINGER: One example John Lott could cite is the Merced family,
guns were put away because of California's safe storage law. John
Carpenter believes it cost him the lives of two children after a man broke into
his home
with a pitchfork.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If a gun would have been here today, I'd have at
least a daughter alive.
Unfortunately, the transcription service does not make it clear that
the "Unidentified Male" is John Carpenter, but the July 8th piece
posted by reporter Dan Springer on the Fox News web site that I
referenced on May 24th should correct any misimpressions.
Updated Media Analysis of Appalachian Law School Attack
Since the first news search was done additional news stories have been
added to Nexis:
There are thus now 218 unique stories, and a total of 294 stories counting
duplicates (the stories in yellow were duplicates): Excel file for
general overview and specific stories. Explicit mentions of defensive gun use
increase from 2 to 3 now.