
Only about 7 percent of private sector workers are now unionized

In the 1950s, 35% of private-sector workers belonged to unions; only about 7% do today.

The economics point here is pretty simple. You raise the price of something (labor through unionization) and people demand less of it. Sometimes the adjustment takes a long time, but it still occurs.

I recommend that people read the entire piece because John Fund does a great job of discussing the Employee Free Choice Act, where 30 percent of workers (some possibly because of union intimidation) can sign a statement that determines whether the entire company is unionized.



Blogger Dad29 said...

You raise the price of something (labor through unionization) and people demand less of it.

Except in the case of Government, the "leaders" of which do NOT seek to de-throne AFSCME or NEA (etc.)

That's because there IS no incentive to save money in Government. After all, they have a lot more guns.

6/19/2007 8:35 AM  

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