
Is it in the Democrat Party's interest that the DC Circuit Court's Opinion on Guns be upheld?


Anonymous Joseph said...

It's ridiculous to think that gun laws need to be the same everywhere.

Obviously a big, poor and violent city like DC needs to have different gun laws than, say, rural Ohio.

At the very least- people need to be taught how to properly use, store and transport their weapon.

But the blindly say that everyone and his mother NEEDS to have a gun is just ridiculous.

3/20/2007 12:33 PM  
Anonymous 1894C said...


"Obviously a big, poor and violent city like DC needs to have different gun laws than, say, rural Ohio."

Why is that the case? I would think people have a greater chance of being a victim of violent crime in DC than rural Ohio.

Why should those MORE likely to be preyed upon be LESS able to defend themselves?

I'm sure you have a good rationale for your statement.

Why should cities with strict gun laws up to and including outright bans, yet plagued with violent crime; why should such places maintain and even increase restrictions on gun ownership and possession?

3/21/2007 2:51 PM  

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