
Something for those not yet wary of following the latest medical research


Blogger torrant said...

This article is a good example of how effective the decades long campaign against vitamins and herbal remedies has become. A relentless stream of negative and confusing pronouncements against vitamins and herbs can only induce a kind of cognitive fog that divides consumers into either total skeptics or total believers.

Pretty soon we should hear about a video being released announcing a universal consensus of scientists agreeing that vitamins will make you sick and we need to toss them all out to save the drug industry.

In the meantime I will stash mine in the hidden cabinet so the vitamin police can't find them.

6/10/2007 12:30 PM  
Anonymous Keith said...

Correlation = Causation?

Perhaps? or, were the vitamin freaks the ones who had poorer health to start with?

it all sounds a bit simplistic.

6/11/2007 10:59 AM  

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