
More on Students Carrying Guns on Campus

The CNN program here reports that over 500 students at the University of Utah have concealed carry permits. I assume that there are probably about 30,000 students on campus. If that number is correct, that is only about 1.6 percent of the students being able to carry a gun. It would be nice to get that number somewhat higher. Still, 500 on students on campus must mean that there will often be multiple people around the school who are able to stop an attack. I would be willing to bet that there won't be any significant multiple victim public shootings at that university.

One professor, Barbara Nash, who is interviewed claimed that the idea that more guns would mean a safer place is a "stupid" idea. It would have been nice if the professor could have pointed to some evidence that students with a concealed handgun permit posed a danger. On the other hand, another professor in the Business School, Randall Boyle, said he actually felt safer now that some students in the class legally have concealed handguns.



Blogger LLR said...

Thanks for the post. And the link to the video!

It would have been nice if the professor could have pointed to some evidence that students with a concealed handgun permit possed a danger.
It would have been nice if she could have pointed to some on-campus incidents involving students and his/her guns. Of course there aren’t any and she can only talk out of her butt.

8/16/2007 11:32 AM  
Blogger John Lott said...

Thanks, LLR. Of course, my point was a rhetorical one as you sensed. I know that she can't point to problems with students, that these students who have permits and are walking around the rest of Utah with them are not getting into any trouble.

8/16/2007 8:07 PM  

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