
So which side is more heroic?

Thanks to Steve Finefrock for this cartoon.

Polling Data

Which of the following statements comes closer to your view of what Israel should do?

Israel should continue taking military action until
Hezbollah can no longer launch attacks against Israel 39%

Israel should agree to a ceasefire as soon as possible 43%

No opinion 17%

Do you think Israel’s military reaction to the situation in the Middle East has gone too far, not gone far enough, or been about right?

Too far 31%

Not far enough 14%

About right 35%

No opinion 20%

Source: Opinion Research Corporation / CNN
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 633 American adults, conducted on Jul. 19, 2006. Margin of error is 4 per cent.

Some one with a higher pay grade is going to have to explain these poll results for me. How can 49 % of Americans think that the Israeli military response is either about right or not far enough and yet more people say that Israel should agree to a ceasefire instead of "continu[ing] taking military action until Hezbollah can no longer launch attacks against Israel," which is what Israel is doing? I am tired and may be missing something simple, but an explanation would be useful.


Blogger Zendo Deb said...

I think most people are saying that Israel should agree to a cease-fire (which really means Israel stops the attack) as soon as it makes sense.

In self-defense terms, as soon as the threat is safely neuralized....

I can't prove this of course....

7/23/2006 8:42 AM  
Blogger saturdaynightspecial said...

anytime any individual, group, or country defends itself, which may include offensive conduct, then many will react with non-sense. only because of 9/11 do so many americans support Israel this time.

7/24/2006 4:41 PM  

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