
Gun Control and Nazi Germany

Steve Halbrook has a very interesting law review article that demolishes an earlier piece by Bernard Harcourt at the University of Chicago Law School. Bernard's piece claimed that it is just a myth that Nazi Germany had restrictive gun control laws and he blames the NRA for promoting this myth. Why Bernard's piece should have been a law review article is a bit of mystery to me, but Halbrook takes Bernard's historical claims apart.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quote: Bernard's piece claimed that it is just a myth that Nazi Germany had restrictive gun control laws and he blames the NRA for promoting this myth.

This is ironic. In John Ross' Unintended Consequences, one of his characters points out (rightfully) that the NRA often gets credit/blame for the actions of other organizations.

In this case JPFO

2/06/2007 2:41 PM  
Blogger henry dam said...

living during Nazi era i remember the remark Hitler made that Germany has finally achieved total control of the Reichs citizenry, that while stamping his foot and slapping his thigh.the fifth column in Norway that had a gun registry gave the list to the ss who confiscated the guns . If you didnt have the gun you were shot. incadently the SS shot all of the fifth columnists

2/11/2007 2:30 PM  

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