
New Texas Gun Laws Raise Concerns

Two new Texas laws stir up opposition:

The state's new castle law has grabbed the spotlight. But some say a lesser-known gun law, which also took effect in September, could have greater consequences.

The law allows Texans to carry guns in their cars, even without a concealed handgun license. As long you meet the law's other requirements – such as not being a gang member, refraining from criminal acts and keeping the gun out of sight – you can pack heat in your glove box.

"Castle is just kind of yawn," said Alice Tripp, legislative director for the Texas State Rifle Association. Texans have always enjoyed robust rights of self-defense. But the gun carrying law "is dramatic," she said.

Nicknamed the "Carjacking Law" by some, it is designed in part to give law-abiding drivers the right to carry a gun for protection.

But Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins worries that criminals may benefit most. He says the law, which also allows people to carry guns from their homes to their cars, has created a loophole that a defense lawyer could drive an armored tank through. . . .

Each new law seems to generate a lot of fear, but I assume that it gets harder and harder to generate a lot of opposition as the predictions prove to be wrong.

Thanks to Scott Davis for sending this link to me.

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Anonymous Puggg said...

This is already the case in Missouri. The difference is that you need to be at least 23 years old to get a CCW permit, but you can legally carry in your car if you meet the other CCW qualifications and are at least 21 years old.

1/20/2008 10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not think I am mistaken, but this law is two years old. Houston and some other large cities are for the most part ignoring it though and arresting those with handguns in their cars. The legislators left just enough of a loophole for scummy prosecutors to get their foot in the door. LEO's are taught to ask certain questions of drivers and if the answer doesn't fit right the drivers are arrested and have to go through the process of proving themselves innocent. The law was meant to clarify the definition of "Traveling" that has never been defined in Texas law. If you have a handgun in a privately owned vehicle the law now states that "it is a defense" meaning youcan still be charged. If an LEO can determined that you are just going to the grocery store or such locally then some prosecutors will do their best to hang an unlawfully carrying charge on you even though that is not what the legislature intended.

1/22/2008 4:01 AM  

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